Since 1997, the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) has been dedicated to making media literacy highly valued and widely practiced as an essential life skill, envisioning a day when everyone, in our nation and around the world, possesses the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication.
Feb 2024: National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) joined the Inspired Internet Pledge as an Advisor.
Oct 5, 2024: Hosting a (virtual) Media Literacy Resource Showcase from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET. This will be a day of short, rapid-fire showcases featuring resources from NAMLE members, partners, and sponsors seeking to offer practical information from educators on how to incorporate the resources into classrooms and curricula. Resources for STEM education will be featured in the morning showcase, and resources for ELA and humanities will be featured in the afternoon. Showcases will run continuously throughout each window, so feel free to pop in at your convenience! Learn more about the showcase and how to submit a resource here.
Oct 21-25, 2024: Hosting the annual U.S. Media Literacy Week. Inspired by Canada’s Media Literacy Week, the mission of the annual U.S. Media Literacy Week is to highlight the power of media literacy education and its essential role in education all across the country. U.S. Media Literacy Week calls attention to media literacy education by bringing together hundreds of partners for events and activities around the country. Learn more and register as a participant here.