In partnership with the people of California, California Partners Project champions gender equity across the state and ensures our state’s media and technology industries are a force for good in the lives of all children.
May 2024: The California Partners Project joined the Inspired Internet Pledge as an Advisor.
May 6, 2024: First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom and the California Partners Project hosted the 2024 Youth Mental Health Roundtable in Los Angeles. Featuring six youth leaders, key state and local policymakers, and mental health experts, this roundtable identified that youth believe their mental health would be better without social media but that detaching from it is very difficult. Solutions proposed included providing alternatives to social media that fulfill teens’ natural desires to socialize, express themselves, form their identities, and chart their independence; and holding social media companies accountable for creating more age-appropriate designs. The roundtable preceded a public-facing Youth Mental Health Town Hall moderated by Lisa Ling and co-hosted in partnership with CalHHS, Child Mind Institute, and LAUSD.
May 2024: Released a new resource providing concrete best practices for parenting and families to establish healthy and balanced relationships with technology. As part of this release, parents can sign up for an automated 10-day email series that deep dives into one tech tip a day for ten days.
Late Summer 2024: Launching a free, bilingual parenting series called. “Tech/Life Balance: Helping Families Thrive in a Digital World.” This series will include four reports and family guides with resources and tools to help parents and caregivers as they navigate a digital world with young people. Each report/guide will focus on the impact — positive, negative, neutral — of digital media/technology on a specific aspect of child well-being: social-emotional health, exercise and outdoor access, nutrition, and sleep. The first report/family guide focused on social-emotional health is set to launch in late August and can be found on the California Partners Project website here.
Sep 2024: Launching the inaugural cohort of a statewide Youth Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Youth Advisory Committee is to elevate California youth voices, invest in them as co-creators of change, and influence the discourse on critical social issues of our time. This 12-member Committee will inform and support key initiatives including the Governor’s Advisory Council on Physical Fitness and Mental Well-Being.