What’s New

2025 Events
Scroll by Choice — Collaborative Guardians of Digital Wellness (virtual)
February 11, 2025,
Hosted by Scroll by Choice and the Digital Wellness Lab, we will be working to define how solutions providers can play a meaningful role in bridging the gap between the controls that are available within apps and platforms, and the families and youth that use the platforms. The agenda includes two expert panels focused on both pain points and solutions, as well as participant discussion.
The first panel brings together key stakeholders—Employers, Schools, Healthcare leaders, and Parent advocates—who are working to understand and address the impacts of technology on human experience. Each group provides a distinct perspective on how technology is changing human interaction, cognitive performance, and emotional well-being. The panel will explore critical challenges: workplace productivity decline, academic disruption, emerging mental health concerns, and the physiological impacts of excessive screentime and tech dependence.
In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the second panel assembles digital wellness innovators. From minimalist technology designers to digital literacy programs, these solution providers are developing new approaches to our technology interactions. The panel will move beyond fear-based rhetoric to present evidence-based approaches to digital wellness. Attendees will gain insights into emerging technologies, intervention methods, and potential strategies for improving our technological ecosystem.
This event is open to Signatories and Advisors on the Inspired Internet Pledge. Learn more and register as a participant here.
Inspired Internet Pledge — Q1 Convening (virtual)
March 20, 2025, 19:00 – 20:00 ET / 16:00 – 17:00 PT / 22:00 – 00:00 GMT
Inspired Internet Pledge — Q2/Q3 Convening (virtual)
September 23, 2025, 10:00 – 11:00 ET / 07:00 – 08:00 PT / 15:00 – 16:00 GMT
Inspired Internet Pledge — Annual Review & Q4 Convening (virtual)
December 11, 2025, 12:00 – 13:30 ET / 09:00 – 10:30 PT / 17:00 – 18:30 GMT
2024 Events
California Partners Project — 2024 Youth Mental Health Roundtable, Los Angeles
May 6, 2024
Featuring youth leaders, state and local policymakers, and mental health experts, the 2024 Youth Mental Health Roundtable identified challenges youth face with social media and proposed solutions that account for teens’ developmental needs. The roundtable preceded a public-facing Youth Mental Health Town Hall moderated by Lisa Ling and was co-hosted in partnership with CalHHS, Child Mind Institute, and LAUSD
Modulate — All Things in Moderation (virtual)
May 15-17, 2024
Shared best practices and sparked new discussions around international laws and their impact on online safety through the first annual All Things in Moderation virtual conference.
Modulate — Audio Moderation (virtual)
May 23, 2024
In collaboration with the Tech Coalition, the webinar will center on voice chat safety for children and regulatory requirements for platforms. In addition, participants will discuss how Modulate’s ToxMod system leverages artificial intelligence in a privacy-aware manner to detect and prevent instances of child exploitation and grooming in voice chat environments.
Scroll by Choice — Parent Special: Modeling Positive Digital Habits (virtual)
August 14, 2024, 1:00 – 1:30 pm ET
Actions speak louder than words in raising responsible children. In this short webinar, Scroll by Choice will explore the latest data on how parents’ and caregivers’ digital habits influence kids’ screen time, and also discuss effective strategies for managing your own screen time beyond short-lived digital detoxes.
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Pinterest x Joan Ganz Cooney Center — Thought Leadership Event
August 14, 2024,
Founding Signatory Pinterest sponsored and co-hosted two hybrid convenings in December 2023 and May 2024. The first, hosted by the Digital Wellness Lab and detailed in a white paper, focused on conducting a deep-dive into the skills and knowledge young people need at each age and stage of development, from birth through young adulthood, to become healthy and safe independent actors online. The second, co-hosted with the Joan Ganz Cooney Center, consisted of a discussion focused on answering the question: what is needed to ensure kids’ healthy outcomes in a digitally saturated world?
Sync — Digital Wellbeing Summit 2024, Saudi Arabia
August 14, 2024,
in collaboration with 14 partners including the Digital Wellness Lab. The summit, which featured the Inspired Internet Pledge in a closing session, welcomed more than 80 speakers, more than 13,000 in-person attendees from 28 countries, had nearly 30,000 live stream views, and more than 400 million social media impressions for the summit campaigns.
Sync — United Nations’ AI for Good Conference, Switzerland
August 14, 2024,
Sync also supported the introduction of the Inspired Internet Pledge at the United Nations’ AI for Good conference in May, 2024, to increase visibility of this initiative to AI developers.
FOSI — Screens and Wellbeing: Tech’s Role in Back-to-School Mental Health (virtual)
September 4, 2024, 12:00 – 1:30 pm ET
Back-to-school season marks a huge transition for many children and teens, including the introduction of new technologies both at school and at home. As we continue to navigate the youth mental health crisis, a new school year can seem more stressful than ever. What role does tech play in youth mental health? As schools become more integrated with digital devices, will young peoples’ mental health be affected? What role can tech play in strengthening your child’s mental health? What online safety measures can we take to make sure young people have a safe, successful and mentally healthy school year? Join FOSI as we attempt to answer these questions and more with moderator Alanna Powers, mental health/tech professionals Dr. Shairi Turner, Patricia Noel, Nicole Owings-Fonner and Claudia-Santi F. Fernandes, and teens directly affected by these issues.
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NAMLE — Media Literacy Resource Showcase (virtual)
October 5, 2024, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm ET
A day of short, rapid-fire showcases featuring resources from NAMLE members, partners, and sponsors that you can bring into your classroom. All showcases will offer practical information from educators on how to incorporate the resource into your classroom and curriculum. Resources for STEM education will be featured in the morning showcase, and resources for ELA and humanities will be featured in the afternoon. Showcases will run continuously throughout each window, so feel free to pop in at your convenience! Learn more about the showcase and how to submit a resource here.
NAMLE — U.S. Media Literacy Week
October 21 – 25, 2024
Inspired by Canada’s Media Literacy Week, the mission of the annual U.S. Media Literacy Week is to highlight the power of media literacy education and its essential role in education all across the country. U.S. Media Literacy Week calls attention to media literacy education by bringing together hundreds of partners for events and activities around the country. Learn more and register as a participant here.
The Digital Wellness Lab & CIMAID — CME Course, Identifying and Addressing Problematic Interactive Media Use (virtual)
October 24, 2024, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm ET
Clinicians and other front-line practitioners are being called upon in ever-greater numbers to address young people’s unhealthy use of media and technology. When young people’s behaviors with interactive technology contribute to physical and mental health challenges and academic and social impairment, we call it Problematic Interactive Media Use, or PIMU, a syndrome marked by the overuse of a necessary resource (media and technology). This credit-bearing course is designed to enhance understanding of PIMU, including its various presentations and co-existing conditions, as well as how to prevent, identify, and address it in a clinical setting.
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FOSI — Annual Conference, Washington, DC
December 9, 2024, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm ET
The Annual FOSI Conference convenes some of the best thought leaders and experts from around the world for high-level discussion and debate on the most pressing online safety topics of the year. The title of this year’s conference is “From Protection to Empowerment”.